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Caring for Nature

Looking back over my work I realize growth, geology and sounds of nature have inspired and influenced it. To study life outside of our dwellings brings an awareness of delicacy and interdependency. It seems my media of choice; fiber/textiles and non-mechanical tools (a hook and needle); honors the experiences my senses absorb.

I participated as a Girl Scout in the very first Earth Day celebrations. In 2020 I honored the 50th anniversary quietly while hooking alone in my studio on 2020 Journal (detail is above). See ‘Trees are My Muse on my YouTube channel where I explore the subject as design element.

There are several organizations which I follow and support. Their focus is to advocate for the existing natural geology and life along with the populations living nearby. Corporate extraction of limited natural resources have resorted to invasive methods ignoring the existing benefits of open space for tourism, generations of families, and endangered species of flora and fauna.
Coal River Mountain Watch monitors mountaintop removal permits in and near Naoma, WV. These are often broken with minimal fines levied.
WV Rivers Coalition has worked successfully since 1990 to address the value of clean waters within the state. Protecting the waters from corporate fracking, chicken waste run off, logging and private land owners dredging the stream paths.
ARTivism Virginia is a coalition of artists and advocates working to prevent the completion of the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

The Old Growth forests throughout the United States are endangered from human growth in larger communities and corporate building. The current administration is funding protection of these spaces. Search for areas in your state on this site. In West Virginia there are several pockets. One is Cathedral State Park in Aurora, WV. Kanawha State Park just outside of Charleston, WV has a pocket of old growth trees. In Tucker County there are trees over 100 years old slated to be clear cut by the Forest Service.

No matter how you communicate choose to respect this planet we all live on not just every April 22.


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