Learn by Questioning

There are many opportunities to learn. Watching a how-to video helps, but when you are able to ask questions a relationship develops. The Tamarack Foundation for the Arts offers personal networking experiences through the Creative Network. Monthly Lunch and Learn programming lead by WVCN Liaison, Angelica Armstrong, introduces successful, emerging, retailers, writers, musicians, artists in all media to the registrants. After a conversation exploring the speaker’s journey, the audience raises questions and tags “golden nuggets” (wise tips) shared.
Executive Director for Beckley Art Center, Robby Moore experiences as an artist, curator, theatre professional, community advocate provided steps how to prepare for and approach a gallery with your work.
Tips from his Lunch and Learn talk: Create a professional packet with bio, CV, artist statement and current work; research the venue ahead of contact – what type of art is featured, is it an audience you are interested in, how do they review new artists; and visit ahead of time. Mr. Moore is an art consultant for both collectors and independent artists. Check out his web and follow on social media.
Hannah Lenhart, Tamarack Foundation Emerging Artist Fellow, potter, soon to open a brick and mortar studio, classroom, event center in Fairmount, WV brought youthful energy to her presentation.
Tips: an active social media includes videos of successes and failures making her colorful objects. This is one of many financial channels she is developing.
Hannah describes her goal in making “My focus through my work is to help make life’s little rituals a little more special.” Her website includes online shop, links to social media, and great visuals.
This month I shared my journey Evolving a Career in Art with a timeline of slides and conversation. Tips shared included: introduce yourself by name even if you might already know the person, be prepared to offer a business card for contact, find the new person in a group to sit with or listen to, encourage new techniques, connect people together with common skills or interests, evaluate your practice and evolve.
As a former gallery owner we found our clients interested in new work, knowing the stories of makers, and seeing growth in skills or directions. One question was how do I decide what ideas to dedicate time to? Answer: I edit the visuals these days to focus on a body of work. I am learning to interview, video and document people experiencing the impact of humans on our environment and equality. Curating exhibits, advocating, mentoring and continuing to teach design will be the focus for next few years.
Jamie Lester, sculptor, musician, community advocate from Fayetteville, WV will be the March Creative Network Lunch and Learn speaker.

Tamarack Foundation for the Arts is adding salon events to the in-person opportunities. Artist Brian Reed leads the first at Echo-Lit, 427 Washington ST. W, Charleston, WV on Feb 22 from 4-7. Thanks to this coordination from Brian and Megan we will have a template to share with other venues throughout the state. Interested in a pop-up salon in your community reach out to TFA for details. (info@tamarackfoundation.org )

One Comment
Terri Todd Maass
Thank you for introducing me to these Lunch and Learn programs, Susan! The Tamarack Foundation for the Arts showcases knowledgeable and talented individuals. I enjoyed your recent program and appreciate the program summaries that you’ve listed here. I’ve learned a great deal and continue to refer to my notes from past talks.